Our Mandate for ministry was received from the LORD Himself with a commission to liberate mankind in all facets of human existence, to restore broken destinies, to bring healing to the infirmed.
Recovering The Captive Ministry
So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord
"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (1 John 5:4; Ephesians 6:16)
All glory, honour, adoration, power and majesty be unto our God who has chosen to regularly, daily and providentially release the living water (the daily devotional guide) to us in this great mission, Christ Apostolic Church and the entire Body of Christ. There are abounding testimonies as to what God is doing through this wonderful, devotional, inspirational and informative piece in the lives of every user. This is the twelfth volume to the glory and praise of God.
July 21, 2019
Most times, facing our difficult and challenging, or better still, darkest times, makes us quickly forget the power of praise in prayer.
July 14, 2019
Jesus and Mission
The Mission of Jesus Christ—the Atonement. His mission was the Atonement. That mission was uniquely His.
July 21, 2019
The Resurrection
God the Father will give His Holy Spirit to believers. After Christ had risen and ascended, He sent the promised Holy Spirit to continue His work on earth.